
Bail Bonds Services from EZPZ Bail Bonds

The New NC Drone Laws Spark a Surge in Bail Bond Demand

Most people who fly drones think more of their recreational use instead of the grave repercussions drones can have. Unnamed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have tremendous benefits, but there are restricted airspaces where flying drones is against the law. If you are a drone owner who thinks more about camera angles and less about the law, […]

Raleigh Bail Bond Services

What to Do When You are Pulled Over By the Cops

Have you ever been pulled over by the cops while driving? If the answer is a yes nod, you probably know how seeing those flashing lights stir a slur of emotions. Fear, anxiety, anger, and even a little embarrassment- after all, the other drivers probably judge you when they see the cops approaching your vehicle. […]

criminal charges

What the Law Says About Criminal Charges

As many as one-third of the American population has a criminal record. If you’re facing criminal charges, it’s important to know that you’re not alone and that you’ve got options. Getting arrested, charged, and going through the court system can be a lengthy process, and it leaves most citizens baffled as to what steps to […]

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4 Tips on Choosing a Bail Bonds Service in Raleigh, NC

Statistics show that there are about 9,383 bail bond businesses in the US right now. These businesses are in high demand, which is why you may need to find bail bonds near me. There are several Raleigh bail bonds services to choose from, and you want to make the right decision. There are several factors […]

Bail Bond Services in Raleigh

Advantages of Hiring a Bail Bond Company

When a person gets arrested, they and their family members experience immense stress while navigating this painful scenario. Getting bail can help them get out of jail and prepare for trial in the company of their loved ones. However, bail in North Carolina can be incredibly costly and complicated for the defendants, making it hard […]